Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/244

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three. Ferdinand then spoke:—"I charge you, Dupree, with robbing me, with entering into a vile conspiracy against me, and these persons as your accomplices."

"You shall instantly go to prison, and remain confined on my charges, till I have discovered the whole of your vile plot, which will not be long first (added the Count.)—There is a Gentleman in Baden, you little think of, who will witness to your frauds."

This last speech threw the man and woman into great confusion, though merely an impromptu of the moment.

"For you (said Ferdinand to Fatima)—whatever is your name, base, unprincipled woman, foolish as wicked; by gentleness and contrition for your errors, I may say crimes, you might have obtained from me a comfortable provision for life; by fabricating this compilation of falsehoods, by joining with this worthless pair, whose abandoned principles early sowed the seeds of corruption in your mind, you have entirely shut my heart