Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/104

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held some tallow candles in a jar, and some upturned flat-irons.

The bed looked very unsafe and uncomfortable. It was covered with a gayly colored calico patchwork quilt. The patchwork was made in some set pattern, which was unlike anything Richard had ever seen or dreamed of.

Several pieces of as many carpets lay on the floor, and a much worn blanket was hung on two nails over the window, to take the place of a shade or curtain.

Dick's heart ached at the evident signs of poverty, and a warm instinct of protection possessed him.

"I hope you will allow me to be of some assistance to you," he said, when the girls, having finished their confessions, became silent. "I think I can, in a few days, assure Miss Dido of a better position than the one she has lost."