Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/105

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As he spoke, there came a timid knock on the door, and Maggie sprang to open it.

"I jest thought I'd drop in tew see how you wuz gettin' along, Maggie," said from the darkness the same deep bass voice that had restored Richard's courage in the hallway.

It was followed by a tall, lank man, who awkwardly held a black, soft felt hat in his big red hands. His rough clothes seemed to hang on him, and he held one shoulder higher than the other in an apologetic manner, as if to assure the world that his towering above the average height of people was neither his fault nor desire. His bushy and unattractive dust-colored hair seemed determined to maintain the stiffness which its owner lacked. His red mustache and chin-whiskers were resolved to out-bristle his hair. His shaggy eyebrows overhung modest blue eyes that looked at if they fain would draw beneath