Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/106

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those brows as a turtle draws its head under its shell.

He bashfully greeted Dido, and she introduced him to Richard as "Mr. Martin Shanks, who boards with some friends upstairs." He held out his big hand to Dick, saying:

"Glad to make yer acquaintance, sir!" all the while blushing vividly.

"We ran against you in the hall, I think," ventured Dido.

"Yes, I was standin' there when you came," he answered, slowly, shooting a glance from under his brows at Maggie.

Maggie looked down, and Dido was surprised to see her blush. She would have been more surprised if Maggie had told her that this great, big, hulking man had stood guard at her door every night since her mother died.

"I should jedge you don't belong to this