Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/162

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accepted, and Sunday they are going to be married, and they are going down to Coney Island to spend the first day of their honeymoon," and Dido sighed in ecstasy.

"Lucky Martin, I'm sure; I wish I were in a like position," Dick said, half enviously, as the sad thought came that it was all over between him and Penelope. "I must get a nice present for Maggie."

"It was all so amusing," said Dido, with a rippling laugh. "I'm half sorry the courtship ended so soon. Martin was so faithful, so bashful, and so desperately in love. The only time he ever showed the least spirit was the night you took me home."

"I remember it quite well," Dick said, drily.

"I thought he was very insulting that night, but it's just his way, you know. He has liked you ever since then. You know he always stood guard in the hall; every night I