Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/163

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was out, I would stumble over him, yet he couldn't be coaxed to come in. When Maggie took Blind Gilbert out to his stand, Martin always followed, so as to protect her coming home. Still, if she looked at him or spoke to him, he was so embarrassed that he couldn't answer."

"He gave her some flowers once, and when she thanked him, he was so broke up that he stammered that he had found them on Broadway and thought she might as well have them, and the great simpleton had bought them expressly for her. Next he bought some cloth for a dress, and when Maggie said she couldn't take it, he said he didn't want it, that he couldn't make any use of it. Just fancy Martin Shanks wearing a dress!"

Richard smiled at the picture presented to his mind of lanky Mr. Shanks in a gown.

"His proposal was the funniest thing," Dido continued, with a chuckle. "There