Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/164

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came a loud knock on the door. Maggie opened it, and there before her was a work-basket. She picked it up and lifted the lid and there lay a plain gold ring."

"Martin," she said, going out to where he was standing in the hall, "you are too good to me. I can't take these things."

"I had an idee you'd let the parson, who brings us tracts, put that there ring on yer finger, and then you'd have the right to do me mendin'. It was an idee, maybe I'm wrong?"

"'Then Maggie said gently, 'Come in, Martin,' and he replied, 'If yu air wid me, Maggie?' and she blushed, and said, 'Yes, Martin,' and he stepped into the room, saying, 'I'll come in to settle accounts.'

"When he went out again all arrangements had been made for a speedy marriage. Martin said it was no use to waste time in being engaged, so they are to be married Sunday.