Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/165

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They are the happiest couple you ever saw," and Dido sighed enviously.

"And what is to become of you and blind Gilbert? Are you to have no share in their Eden?" Richard asked.

"Oh, yes. Maggie says they are going to rent a flat further uptown, and one room is to be for me and Lucille when she comes back, and Gilbert is to stay with them also. It's a pretty big family to begin with, but we'll all give what we can to pay expenses. I don't think Gilbert will go, though. He likes Maggie as though she was his daughter, but he's been so many years in that house on Mulberry Street that I don't think he will leave it."

"Well, this is our last evening to search for Maggie's sister," Richard said, with half regret, "and we have had no success whatever. I'm sorry, for Maggie's sake, though personally I feel it is just as well for her if her sister never returns to be a burden on her."