Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/185

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old club-man said to him once, that every woman disappointed in love wanted to act, and he half wondered if Dido had been falling in love with some of the handsome men who frequented photograph galleries to have reproduced the being they love most of any on earth, but he put away the thought as a wrong to Dido.

"I feel it, I tell you I feel it. I can't endure a monotonous life any more. I must have some excitement," she said, passionately.

"I tell you what you want—exercise! You want to walk and you want to swing clubs and you'll soon be all right. You are so confined that you have a superfluous energy which your work does not exhaust. If you spend it on exercise, it will make you a happier and stronger girl."

Dido showed a little resentment. It always disgusts a woman to have her romantic feelings dissected in a matter-of-fact manner.