Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/186

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Having reached Washington Square, she bade Richard good-bye and went on her way to her humble home.

Richard walked along North Washington Square until he came to the house where he expected to find the man who had taken Lucille Williams from her home. He went up one flight of stairs to Tolman Bike's apartments, and knocked on the door on which was tacked Mr. Bike's visiting card.

In a moment the door was opened, and the man, he knew as Mr. Clarke stood before him.

"Mr. Bike," said Richard, with emphasis on the name, "I must speak with you alone."

Richard spoke imperatively and at the same moment stepped inside.

Mr. Bike looked as ill as the day he fell against the Hoffman House bar. He silently motioned Dick to enter the first room leading off the private hall in which they stood. Closing and locking the door he followed.