Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/188

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white fur rug. At one side was a little, square breakfast table, with curiously turned legs, and near it a half side-board, half cabinet, attractively filled with exquisite dishes, a few solid silver pieces and crystal glasses, backed up by long-necked bottles of liquids to fill them.

Mr. Bike had removed his coat and waist-coat and had on a little embroidered jacket. He did indeed have an unhealthy pallor, and Dick noticed that the hand with which he toyed with a carved paper-cutter shook violently.

"How this man loves life and its good things," Dick thought, sympathetically, as his gaze wandered from one article of luxury to another, and on to another room, where, just through the portiére, he could see a brass cage, in which a yellow canary was jumping restlessly about, and a small aquarium, up through which came a spraying fountain. He could even see goldfish swimming about and a little