Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/189

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dark turtle run its head out of the water and then dive down again to the bottom of the basin.

"I suppose you know why I came to see you?" Dick said at last, when he saw Mr. Bike would not introduce any subject.

"No, I can't say that I do," Mr. Bike responded, with affected indifference.

"Well, I want to know all about Lucille Williams," he said abruptly

"What right have you to come to me for such information?" Mr. Bike asked coldly.

"Because you induced the girl to leave her home," Dick replied positively, "and I want to know all you have to tell about the rest of it."

"I have nothing to tell," Mr. Bike said, with a slight, sarcastic smile.

"Well, sir, if you won't tell, I'll find a way to make you," Richard said, angrily.