Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/94

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circular spots on the table as Richard ordered dinner from a card that looked as if it had never served any other purpose than that of fly-paper.

The waiter went out, after receiving the order, carefully closing the door after him. The room was evidently meant for small parties, for the only thing in it was the table and four chairs.

"Don't you think the room is too warm?" Dick asked, and hardly waiting for his guest's reply, he got up and opened wide the door.

The waiter spread a cotton napkin over the table before Dick and Dido Morgan, and set some pickles and crackers, and pepper and salt, and two little bits of butter, the size and shape of a half dollar, on the table; then he brought the clams.

This done he went out again, very carefully closing the door after him. Richard called to him, but he did not answer, so Dick