Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/95

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got up and opened the door himself. Dido Morgan looked at him with an innocent, questioning smile. She had no idea that Dick could possibly have any other reason for opening the door, than that it made the room cooler. When the waiter come in the next time he closed the door. Richard's face flushed angrily as he said sternly:

"I wish that door open. You will please leave it so."

The waiter gave an impudent, almost familiar grin, but the door was open during the rest of the dinner.

As Dido Morgan sat opposite Dick eating daintily but appreciatively, the color came into her dark, creamy cheeks, and her brown eyes sparkled like the reflection of the sun in a still, dark pool. Her loose, damp hair, hanging in little rings about her broad brow and white throat, was very appealing to the artistic sense.