Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/96

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And her look—it was so frank, so sincere, so trusting, and her eyes had such a way of looking startled, that Dick felt a warmer thrill of interest invade his soul than he ever thought possible for any other girl than Penelope.

Before dinner was finished Richard had called her "Miss Dido," and "Dido," and she had not even thought of resenting it.

There are a great many false ideas that are forgotten in such moments as these.

The one had seen the other face death, and a human feeling had for the time swept all false pretenses and hollow etiquette away.

They drove down to Mulberry Street in a coupé, and if such a thing was unusual to the young girl whom Richard rescued, it was well hidden under a manner of ease that suggested familiarity.

"There is where Maggie Williams lived," she said, as they turned down Mulberry Street.