Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/97

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Richard leaned forward, but in the semi-light got little idea of the appearance of the place.

"She may have gone from there by this time," Dido continued, showing a slight hesitation that threatened to shake Dick's not over-strong confidence in her. "She lived there when I went away, but so many things happen in such short time among the poor."

"Don't stop the driver," she said, quickly, as Dick pounded on the glass with the head of his walking-stick. "Drive on to the corner. It is such an unusual sight to see a carriage stop before these houses, that it would likely attract a crowd, and you don't want to do that?"

"Why?" asked Dick, curiously. When he could not see her face he liked her less.

"Well, you look so unlike the people who live in this neighborhood, and if you attract notice, you might find it a very uncomfortable place for an elegant young man to be in at