Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/193

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BAEKSDON GREEN. 133 BARLIC'HWAY HUNDRED. BAEKSDON GREEN, a vU. in the hund. of Edwins- ree, in the co. of Hertford, 2 miles from Buntingford. BARKSTONE. See BAKKESTONE, Leicestershire. BABKSTONE, a par. in Grantham Soke, parts of vesteven, in the co. of Lincoln, -1 miles to the N. of intntham, its post town. It lies on the hanks of the iver William. The living is a rcct.,* in the dioc. of jincoln, of the val. of 558, in the patron, of the bishop, 'he church is dedicated to St. Nicholas. The annual evenuo of the parochial charities is 86, including en- owmcnts of an ahnshouse for six persons, and of a small c-hool. BAEKSTONE, a tnshp. in the par. of Sherhurn, wap. f Barkstono Ash, in the West Riding of the co. of "ork, 4 miles to the S. of Tadcaster. BARKSTONE ASH WAPENTAKE, one of the nine aps. or subdivisions of the West Bidingof the co. of York, ounded on the N. by the river Wharfe and the Ainsty f York ; on the E. by the river Ouse, the waps. of Ouse nd Dei-wont, and Howdenshire ; on the S. by the river jre and the wap. of Osgoldcross ; and on the W. by 16 wap. of Skyrack. There are two divs., distinguished i Upper and Lower. The Lower div. contains the pars, f Birkin, Brayton, Brotherton, Cawood, Drax, Frystoiio lonk, Selby, and Winstow, with part of Ryther and naith. It has an area of about 45,600 acres. The Jpper div. contains the pars, of Bramham, Fenton Kirk, arkby Wharf, Ledsham, Newton Kyme, Saxton, Sher- urn, with part of Ryther and Tadcaster, and the lib. f Micklethwaite Grange. It has an area of about U.OOO acres. BAEKWAY, a par. in the hund. of Edwinstree, in ie co. of Hertford, 14 miles to the N.E. of Hertford, ioyston is its post town. It contains the hmlts. of 'ewsclls and Nulhampstead. Barkway was formerly a tarkct town, under a grant by Henry III. The town . well built and pleasantly situated on the road from london to Cambridge ; which was an important .loroughfare before the introduction of railways. The ving is a vie. united with the rect. of Eeed, in the ioc. of Rochester. The church contains monuments of 11- Chesters and Jenningses, some brasses, and stained indows, and is dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene. The ^dependents have a chapel here. There is a free school ith a small endowment, and some other charities, nounting to 63 a-year. BARKWITH, EAST, a par. in the eastern div. of the ap. of Wraggoe, parts of Lindsey, in the co. of Lincoln, miles to the N.E. of Wragby, its post town. The ving is a rect.* in the dioc. of Lincoln, of the val. of '230, in the patron, of G. F. Hcneage, Esq. , to whom the lanor belongs. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. BARKWITH, WEST, a par. in the eastern div. of 10 wap. of Wraggoe, parts of Lindsey, in the co. of .incoln, 2 miles to the N.E. of Wragby, its post town, 'he living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Lincoln, of the val. ['144, in the patron, of the Rev. S. H. Wynn. BABLAND, or BAEELAND, a tnshp. in the borough f Radnor, in the hund. and co. of Radnor, South Wales, miles from Radnor. It is not far from the famous >yke of Offa, the ancient boundary of Wales and [ercia. ! BARLASTON, a par. in the southern div. of the und. of Pirehill, in the co. of Stafford, 3 miles to the . of Stone, its post town. It is a station on the Mac- esfield and Colwich section of the North Staffordshire .irway. The Grand Trunk canal also passes through ic parish. The village is seated on elevated ground, ."erlooking a wide extent of rich and beautiful scenery, he living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Lichfield, of 16 val. of 150, in the gift of the Duke of Sutherland, he church, a modern edifice with an ancient tower, is

dicated to St. John the Baptist. There are charitable

idowments amounting to 24, half of which sum is the j'venue of a free school. Barlaston Hall is a very icient seat ; it belonged once to the Bagnalls, and is DW the residence of the Adderleys. BAELAVINGTON, or BAELTON, a par. in the and. of Eotherbridge, rape of Arundel, in the co. of Sussex, 3 miles to the S. of Petworth, its post town. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Chichester, val. 68, in the patron, of T. Biddulph, Esq. BARLBOROUGH, a par. in the hund. of Scarsdale, in the co. of Derby, 7 miles to the N.E. of Chesterfield, its post town. It lies on the borders of Yorkshire, in a district abounding in coal and ironstone, in working which many of the people are employed. The Midland railway and the Chesterfield canal pass near the village, the latter connecting the district with the Trent. The living is a rect. * in the dioc. of Lichfield, of the val. of 750, in the patron, of W. H. Rodes, Esq. The church is dedicated to St. James. There is an abnshouse for six persons, founded in the middle of the last century by Margaret and Mary Role, and having an income from endowment of 69. There are some other email charities. Barlborough Hall, the scat of the Rodeses, is a large man- sion of the Elizabethan style. It was erected in 1583, by Francis Rodes, a justice of the Court of Common Pleas. BARLEY, a chplry. in the par. of Hemingbrough, wap. of Ouse and Derwent, in the East Riding of the co. of York, 2 miles to the N.E. of Selby, its post town. The Selby and Market Weighton railway passes near it. The living is a perpet. cur. * in the dioc. of York, val. C5, in the patron, of the Vicar of Hemingbrough. There is a school with a small endowment. BARLESTONE, a chplry. in the par. of Market Bos- worth, in the hund. of Sparkenhoc, and co. of Leicester, 3 miles to the N.E. of Market Bosworth, its post town. The manufacture of hosiery is carried on extensively in the surrounding district. The Swannington railway passes near this place. The living is a, perpet. cur. annexed to the rect. of Bosworth, in the dioc. of Peter- borough. BARLESTREE. See BAIITESTREE, Herefordshire. BARLEY, a par. in the hund. of Edwinstree, in the co. of Hertford, 3 miles from Royston, its post town. It lies on the borders of Essex. The living is a rect. * in the dioc. of Eochesler, of the val. of 501, in the gift of the crown. The church is dedicated to St. Margaret. The parochial charities, which include a email educa- tional endowment, amount to 36 per annum. BARLEY BOOTH'S, a tnshp. in the par. of Whalley, and hund. of Blackburn, in the co. palatine of Lan- cashire, 5 miles to the W. of Colne. BARLEY CHAPEL, a vil. in the wap. of Barkestono Ash, in the West Riding of the co. of York, 3 miles from Selby. The Hull and Selby railway passes within a short distance of the village. BARLEY HALL, a hmlt. in the chplry. of Wont- worth, and par. of Wath-on-Deam, in the wap. of Straf- forth, West Riding of the co. of York, 5 miles to the N.W. of Rotherham. It is situated near Wentworth House, the seat of Earl Fitzwilliam. BARLEYSIDE, a vil. in the par. of Falkirk, in the co. of Stirling, Scotland, not far from Falkirk. BARLEYTHORPE MANOR, a chplry. in the Deans- hold div. of the par. of Oakham, soke of Oakham, in the co. of Rutland, 1 mile from Oakham. It belongs to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. The entire county of Rutland was the property of the Abbey of Westminster before the Norman Conquest. BARLICHWAY HUNDRED, one of the four hunds. or subdivisions of the co. of Warwick, situated in the si nith- west part of the county, and bounded on the N. by part of Kington and Hcmlingford hunds., on the E. by the liunds. of Knightlow and Kington, on the S. by Glou- cestershire, and on the W. by Worcestershire. It con- sists of the four divs. of Alcester, Henley, Snitterfield, and Stratford. In the Alcester div. are contained the following pars. : Alcester,Great Alne,Coughton, Ipsley, Kinwarton, Morton-Baggott, Spernall, Studley, Weeth- ley, with parts of Arrow, Tardebigg, and Weston-on- Avon. In the Henley div. are Beaudesert, Claverdon, Prcston-Baggott, Rowrngton, AVootton Wawen, and the town of Henley-in-Arden. In the Snitterfield div. are Alveston, Bearley, Budbrook, Fulbrook, Hampton-Lucy, Haseley, Hatton, Honiley, Loxley, Norton-Lindsey,