Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/923

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N mum r “'"fimu‘i'ergu‘mfifi ‘3‘" 1°” “w ° c111: iota: 1°33! 1337.1, £223,232: Amount in In Pelt once Kllel or nau- c 11;. um Bevmfl Benin, anmlannnk, wulo 11 um um. 3:31.. 333.32: mm m - In - 15 53 665,809 243,075 256 + 26 402 — 25 263 8 36,307,019 8,121,175 13,289 600,938 189,295 162 + 26 338 — 25 200 8 32,007,546 7,719,981 9,251

71,273 23,629 30 23 29 2,746,071 164,560 2,200 572,211 212,924 192 + 26 361 — 25 229 + 8 34,753,617 7,884,541 11,451

93,598 30,151 64 41 34 1,553,402 236,634 1,838

emu of Pa uletion in Decennhl Penoda, from I to 19111.: Com,” mu m Amonntpw-lng Memen- m‘.‘ 333231333. 113110 1611? 174:1?" 11351? Unhmflm 20m Ngember, me. 43 e. d. 14 13 16 9 2 2 127,000 12 2 lo 10 5 4 3 6 '— 1 4771915 0 1 I There are no precise returns ot’ the urea 01 .

9 6 5 3 3 8 — 3 150,656 12 2 the Isle of Mun and [tarts of Scotland, the Ord- 13 14 13 _5 3 4 259,339 17 6 nance Survey not being yet complete, ao_thet 24 18 15 u 4 + 2 7 896,043 6 u 33:?) 1111115ch must be renewed as no approxuue- 15 14 4 4 4 10— 1 671,562 8 11 "

8 5 10 5 4 5 — 1 353,415 16 5 '1 The number of emigrants from the United 1 1 15 9 15 4 + 2 2 558,805 0 1 1211:5310: n1;1_the iollowtng years, [411100 the above 13 7 6 3 4 + 2 18 — 4 1,692,896 9 9 ' ' 1352 ................... .. 121 214 10 10 6 2 3 11 — 3 456,897 14 9 1863 .. .. 2233753 24 29 27 30 4 6 + 3 363,691 10 11 -- -- gig-23(1)

10 9 7 10 4 —|— 2 6 —— 2 412,803 0 10 1,366 " " 204's“ 15 11 6 3 4 11—2 1 002 .527 2 6 """""""" " ’

8 2 2 7 3 4— 1 ’3011272 10 2 h f In colmgplnting igilpeficegiflmge of inclregag

10 10 7 4 3 2 — 1 116,508 17 1 f9 130% :t. m. ti] ' e, l. “'7' ""5 u c i' th 9 10 10 '1 2 2 — l — xEfier‘i-efi, £33 on? Bf‘l’fie“;§£i)§‘.1e“s3’ms£ 12 12 1 1 19 4 2 14 1 767,558 2 3 in computing the ruto of increase between 18’“ 4 22 and 1851, the acumen and others on board vessels 27 2 20 5 4 22 3 3 642 283 17 8 13 10 7 3 4 2 ’304’064 10 ,0 in the ports, returned with tho general popula- 12 14 19 1 4 + 9 9 1 7801851 6 3 tion in 1851 for the first timo, are excluded. .1 u .— , 19 6 20 12 St .denot thnt tl e ulet' n l 29 :156 17 g 1 + 5 5,033,231 g 1: stngtionxry; (11:!!an )gefggjlyeergtx 13 6 7 —2 4 + 2 8 — 3 6511960 18 6 335°é‘éir‘é‘flefl‘fizpfil’e‘ii2t’éli $139“ °‘ “W” 10 11 7 7 4 4 323,843 10 2 ' ‘ ' ' TleeJte t' (1.1) theRf Al I g} 3 lg 13 g 3 333.333 3 g 133 gm 3,”, 132,343 . 1 — ' us, t . ' ' ' t t 1 1 6 5 -3 3 6 348,511 5 o immkmuomé iffifle'fanciemg ne‘ean 6 10 8 __5 2 ._ ._ ing liumbe: of) metiibem, and the lettfir that such 111--' eeutr't ,t 'v. 1) I: g g 5_2 2 2 3 _¥ 12 151) 31’] meéggnom fixed 1?; 318 gag-11‘; A: :1" [1180911.- _ _ 1 11 12 13 19 5 14 — 3 518,921 12 2 17 Previous to the passing of the Reform Act 1' 1867 l f b t d f 13 2g 20 23. ,‘+ 2 12 35,246?) 18 3 file um3:3633353233617232?! “35 7 — 04 7’ 0 3 7 for Cambridge, but one is in future to be re« 22 20 17 22 4 + 2 7 — 2 735,162 11 4 turned for the University of Londou,eud one for 17 10 15 8 4 14 — 2 704,981 6 2 the 500101! Univemitiel- 23 19 19 18 4 6+ 1 368,980 1 2 ,, CT d w . .E , d dw , g 2 3 :1: 2 1: 3 43:3 1: z _ _ _ -w , '11. tbur', ml», 15 12 12 u 4 8 _ 1 377,831 1 4 3110321", affixete? (610.122.1123, 1invgrri‘5lrdwglg, 9 15 12 9 ’ Kingston-upon—Hnll, Lichfleld, Lincoln, London, 2 4 302 059 18 1 Newcastle-upon—Tyne Norwich, Nottingham, 2; 10 26 11 { 2 u __ 1 433,101 13 2 Poole, Sritutlmnnpmni \gorceeter, and York. 'll‘l:e 6 5 14 ’ County o the city 0 oventry Wnl unneer o 4 2 16 2046077 16 5 w m: b a At {5&6Vict.c.llo, 22 18 14 14 + ' ' “hersermmzmnam 7 6 12 —5 1 1 41,043 0 2 11 or this number 115.353 were foreigner-I, 9 16 u .2 1 1 25,723 1 0 and 154.439 were undiatinguishedg but. i! we 2 1 1 39 2,2 14 5 lemme that the numbers vvhoee neuonnhty was 12 6 3 1 not ucertuned were dutntmted pmporuonetely 12 6 g 1 2 1 88,17552 7 11 over mine rent, the above summary will be ob- 15 21 9 1 1 15, 15 5 1 “in

8 7 5 9 2 1 82,461 13 1 12 11 2 2 1 1 —|— 1 120,868 11 2 24 35 35 37 _ 2 3 299,742 9 9

3 11 — 1 '3 1 -— -—

11 4 —- 3 -— '6 1 1 81,967 6 5 10 8 6 2 1 2 167,618 11 7 10 3 — 3 3 1 1 13,389 5 8