Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/924

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Under COHN Caore ore included Wheat, Barley, Oats, Bye, Beans, and Peas. t Under G-REEN CROPS are included Potatoes, Turnips, and Swedes, Mangold, Garrots, Cabbage, Kohl R&bi, Eape, Vetches, Lucerne, and i fl( Crop, except Clover or Grass. There are besides in England 56,562 acres of Hops, not included in these returns, t The Returns of the Acreage under "Permanent Pasture "in Great Britain and in Ireland are not comparable, as Hill Pastures are wW Great Britain and included in Ireland. Totals and Per-centages omitted in places marked thus (t) cannot, therefore, be given. . - - _ - -- -