Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/228

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The following is the number of churches, clergy, and population comprehended within the diocese of Mosul.

Churches. Priests. Families.
Mosul  5  6  350
Telkèf  2  4  320
Batnaia  1  1   60
Tell Iskof  1  2  110
Bakôfa  1  1   20
Alkôsh  2  4  250
Kermelis  2  1   25
Piyyòs  1  1   20
Anseriyyah  0  0   10
15 20 1160

Diocese of Baghdad.

Baghdad, (Mutran Elîa resides here as presbyter)
 1  2   60

Diocese of Amedia.

Dehòk On the borders of the mountains west of Rabban Hormuzd.  1  1   50
Maalthâya  1  0   20
Shiyyoz  0  0   20
Mar Yaacob,
or Ka Sepher
 1  1   21
Dizzi In the Mezuriyeh district behind Sheikh Adi.  0  0   20
Bidwil  1  0   20
Bebôzi  1  0   10
Mézi  1  0    7
Tcamân  1  0    4
Atoosh  2  0   11
Amedia In the Supna, comprehended within the province of Bahdinân.  0  0    3
Menghèsh  1  3  150
Daoodia  0  0   30
Tineh  1  1   30
Arâden  2  1   50
Inishk  1  1   20
14  8  466

Diocese of Diarbekir.

Diarbekir  1  3  120
Tcarookhia  1  1   30
 2  4  150