Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/229

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Diocese of Mardeen.

Churches. Priests. Families.
Mardeen  1  4   60

Diocese of Sert.

I have not been able to learn with exactness the details of the Chaldeans in this district. The annexed summary is, I believe, a tolerably correct estimate of the churches, clergy, and population of the eleven villages included within the diocese 12  9  300

Diocese of Jezeerah.

Jezeerah  1  1   60
Zakho In the valley of the Kahboor west of Zakho.  0  0    8
Takiân  1  1   15
Peishaboor  1  2   60
Girki Pedròs  1  0   12
Tell Kabbeen  1  1   10
Beidar  1  0   14
 6  5  179
It is said that besides the above there are a few Chaldean villages in the mountains of Buhtân comprehended within this diocese.

Diocese of Kerkook.

Kerkook Between Baghdad and the Great Zab river.[1]  1  2   40
Shaklâwa  1  1   30
Armoota  1  1   25
Ainkâwa  1  2   55
There are also three villages in the district of Sina, on the borders of Persia, said to contain  4  3   68
 8  9  218

Diocese of Khosrâwa.

Khosrâwa  2  3  150
The Chaldeans of Mosul tell me that there are several other villages in the valley of Salamast, north of Ooroomiah, which acknowledge canonical obedience to the Bishop of Khosrâwa. Not having visited the district myself I cannot vouch for the truth of this statement.
  1. I visited this district during a trip which I made from Baghdad to Mosul in 1843; but the route is generally so devoid of interest that I have intentionally omitted any account of it in my narrative.