Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/436

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clergy generally are strongly opposed to every form of Protestant dissent, and the missionaries on their part are not likely to bribe them to acquiescence. Thus, then, if the American Independents continue their efforts in these parts, they must form schisms in the ancient communities of the East.

After we had been at Mosul some time, I wrote to apprise Mar Shimoon of our arrival, and received from him the two following epistles:

: ܞ :

"Mar Shimoon, Catholicos and Patriarch of the East unto thee our beloved and elect presbyter George, sendeth greeting, with numberless and endless salutations. Amen.

"Be it known unto you, that the epistle which you sent reached us in safety, and we read it throughout, and understood perfectly all that it contained; thereby we were made acquainted with your arrival at the blessed city of Mosul, and we rejoiced at this with exceeding great joy; for the benevolence and love which you showed towards us, presbyter George, are not wiped out from the tablets of our hearts. For these things we can never recompense you, but we pray that God may reward you thirty, sixty, and a hundred fold. Being at a great distance when we heard of your coming, we longed earnestly to come and see you; but weakness prevents us from enjoying this pleasure. Known unto us are the tokens of your affection and sincere goodwill which you manifested towards us when we were with you. And this we beg of you, that you will accept this expression of our gratitude; may your coming again into these parts be doubly blessed, our elect brother, and be a source of delight to all those who rejoice in it. May God perfect your health, fill you with joy, make you happy all the days of your life, increase your years to hundreds. Your wisdom will make up for all imperfections [in this epistle.]

"And also to our lady sister the noble-minded wife of presbyter George, Mar Shimoon, Catholicos and Patriarch of the East, sendeth greeting with endless and unlimited salutation.

"Be it known unto you that we were greatly rejoiced when