Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/437

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we heard of your arrival at Mosul; for though we ourselves are weak and sickly, yet your coming has given us real pleasure, and blessed are those who shall see and look upon you. We, indeed, should be over-rejoiced to behold you once more, and to express all our delight; but we are far away. The God of peace be with you, and make you to rejoice evermore, that you may lead a quiet and peaceable life even as you do now. Amen.

"Written on the fourteenth of December, in the year 2161, [a.d. 1849.]"

l. s.

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"He who is through his ordination high and exalted, and through his investiture with his holy office known unto God and to His Church, our beloved and revered presbyter George, the mirror of the priesthood; may the right hand of the Creator of the world watch over him now and for ever and ever. Amen.

"Mar Shimoon the Catholicos inquires after your welfare, and is greatly desirous to see you, even as Joseph longed to see his brother Benjamin. We were deeply grieved when you left us, and now that you have returned from a far-distant country our joy is as unbounded as Jacob's was when he heard that his son Joseph lived. Indeed we long to see you, but are prevented: 1st, On account of our old age; 2nd, On account of sickness; 3rd, Because of the care and vexation which come upon us from those near and from those at a distance; 4th, From the danger and impracticability of the roads; 5th, On account of our infirmity. Therefore we send Meerza our attendant to inquire after the health of your body, the reverence of your office, the sincerity of your friendship, the sweetness of your words, and the grace of your walk. And this is enough for your wisdom."

l. s.

A strong desire to see Mar Shimoon once more, and also to obtain from him certain Syriac MSS. required in the compila-