Page:The New Forest - its history and its scenery.djvu/13

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The New Forest from Bramble Hill (Sunrise), Frontispiece.
Old Oak in Boldrewood, Title-page.
View in Bushey Bratley 1
The Entrance from Barrow's Moor to Mark Ash 6
The Stream in the Queen's Bower Wood 7
The Charcoal Burner's Path 19
The Cattle Ford 20
View in Gibb's Hill Wood 38
The Millaford Brook 39
The Woodcutter's Track 48
Calshot Castle 49
Norman Doorway at Fawley Church 59
Arches of the Chapter House 60
Pulpit of the Refectory 68
Old Barn or "Spicarium" of Beaulieu Abbey 70
Chapel at St. Leonard's Grange 70
Canopied Niche in St. Leonard's Chapel 73
View in Frame Wood 74
View in the Queen's Bower Wood 84
View in the Great Huntley Woods 85
The Woodman's Path 90
Oaks in Boldrewood 91
Rufus's Stone 96
View from Castle Malwood 108
View in Studley Wood 109
View in Puckpits Wood 112
Yews and Whitebeams in Sloden 115
The Avon from Castle Hill 116
The Avon at Ibbesley 124
Tyrrel's Ford 125
The Avon at Winkton 128
The Priory Church, Christchurch 129
