Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 11.djvu/599

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KLUCKHOHN. 543 KNAPP. Hchriftcn (1890) ; and the posthumous Vortriige und Aufsatze (1S94). KLUGE, kloo'gc, Fhieukich (1850—). A Germanic scholar, born at Cologne. He studied at Leipzig, Strassburg, and Freiburg: was made professor at .Jena in 1884, and in 180.'J at Frei- burg. Besides his very valuable Etyinoloyisclus IVdrterbuch der deutschen Sprache (Otli ed. 1H99), he wrote Stamiiibildtuiyslehre der altger- manischen Dialckte (2d ed. 1899) ; Ion Luther bis Lesniiig, siirachyeneliiclillirlip Aiifniilze (3d ed. 1897) ; und Deutsche StuiJenlcitsiiriichei 189.5) . With Lutz he published English IJli/mologt/ (1898), and to Paul's (Irumlriss der germa- nischen Philologic he contributed "Vorgeschichte der germanisehen Spraclien" and "Geschichte der englischen Sprache" (2d ed. 1899). KLUGHARDT, khmo'hart, August (1847- 1902). A Cternian composer, born at Kothen. He studied at the Dessau gj'mnasium and music at Dresden under Blassmann and Rcichel. After having been theatre-kapellmeister at Po.sen, Lii- beck. and Weimar, he became in 1872 Court- kajjellmeister at Neustrelitz, and in 1882 took a, like position at Dessau. He composed the operas Mirjam (1871), hrein (1879), (liidrun (1882), Die Hochzeit des Miinchs (188lil, and, in addition to overtures, symphonies, and other instrumental pieces, the remarkable symphonic poem Leonore. KNABL, knii1)'l, .To.seph ( 1819-81 ) . An Aus- trian sculptor, born at Fliess, Tyrol. The son of a poor peasant, he tended cattle when a boy, was first instructed by the wood-carver Franz Renn at Imst, and afterwards in Munich by Entres and Anselm Sickinger. Deeply interested in mediipval German wood-sculpture, the re'ival of which he made his chief aim, he studied its best specimens in Bavaria. Tyrol, and on the Rhine, and afterwards produced in ilunich a series of sterling works in wood and marble, the most remarkable of which is the "Coronation of Mary," on the high altar in the Frauenkirehc. He was a member of the Academy, at which a special chair was created for him in 18G3, and for many years was director nf Meyer's Institute for Ecclesiastic Art. — His son Karl (18.50 — ), born in Munich, first practiced sculpture under his father's tiiition. but became a genre painter as .a pupil of Piloty. His eflective and frequently humorous genre scenes include "The Robbed Miser" (1874), "An Undiscovered Genius" (1870). and "Poachers" (1891). KNAPP, kniip, Albert (1798-18fi4). A Ger- man poof, author of many of the best modern fJerman hymns. He studied theologj'. and after holding various positions in the Protestant Church became in 18.'?fi the principal clerg>'man in Stuttgart, where he remained until his death. As a poet Knapp worked ehielly in the religious field, and it was in great measure through his hjnnns that that long-neglected branch of poetry was brought to new life. Many of his hymns are to be found in the Chrintoterpe, a periodical edited by him from 1833 to 1853. His other works include Christhehv (iediehte (1829). Gc- dichte, neueste Folge (1843), the Cj'cles. Tlohcn- staufen (1839), and Bi7(/rr der Vonrrlt (1802). To hymnolog^' Knapp contributed his Erange- lischer Liedersehntz fiir Kirehe und Hniis ( 1837) , a valuable collection of Christian hymns of all ages, to which his Chrislcnlicdcr (1841) forms a splendid supplement. Consult Gerok, Albert hiiaii/j ah seliicdbischer Dichter (Stuttgart, 1879). KNAPP, Georg Friedrich (1842—). A Ger- man economist and statistician, born at Giessen. He was educated at Munich, Berlin, and Got- tingen. At the age of twenty-five he became head of the statistical bureau of Leipzig, and two years afterwards (1809) became professor of economics at the University of Leipzig. In 1874 he went to Strassburg as professor of political economj'. His works are mostly on the question of population and the history of agriculture: Veber die Ermittelung der Hterblichkeil ( 1800) ; Theitrie des Beiiilkerungsiccchsels (1874); Die Bauernbefreiung und der Ursprung der Land- arbeiter in den iiltern Teilen Preussens (1887) ; Die Landarheiter in Knechischaft und Freiheit (1891): and (irundherrschaft und Rittergut (18971. KNAPP, .lAKOB Herman (1832—). A Ger- man-American oculist and aurist, born in Dau- born, Prussia. He graduated at the University of Giessen in 1854: studied in Berlin, Paris, and London: was professor of ophthalmology in the University of Heidelberg from 1804 to 1808; emigrated to New York in the latter year, and in 1809 founded the Xew York. Ophthalmic and Aural Institute. He was professor of ophthalmology in the New York University Medical College" from 1882 to 1888. when he accepted the same chair in the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons. He wrote a number of excellent monographs on the diseases of the ear and eye, established the Archives of Ophthalmologg rntd Otnlogg in 1809, and pub- lished: Die int raokularen (leschiriilste (1808); Cocaine and Its Uses in Ophthalmic and (leneral flurgery (1885); Investigation on Fermentation, Putrefaction, and Suppuration (1886) : and Cata- ract Extraction Without Iridectomy (1887). KNAPP, nap. Martin Augustine (1843—). An American lawyer, born at SpofTord. (Inondaga County, N. Y. He giaduated at Wesleyan Uni- versity in 1868, was admitted to the New York bar in 1809, and in 1870 began the practice of the law at Syracuse, N. Y. From 1877 to 1883 he was city attorney of Syracuse. He made par- ticular study of the laws regarding corporations, and became (he adviser and representative of numerous important corporate interests. In 1891 he was appointed to the Tnter.state Commerce Commission by President Harrison: in 1897 was reappointed by President Cleveland, and in 1808 was elected to the chairmanship of the Commis- sion. His writings include a monograph on A"(n7- road Pooling, which appeared in 1896 as No. 179 of the Puhlicatinns of the .merican Academy of Political and .Social Science. KNAPP, Samuel Lorenzo (1784-1838). An .Vmcrican lawyer and author. He was born in N'cwburvporl. .Mass.; gradiated at Dartmouth College in 1804: was admitted to the bar in Massachusetts; served as colonel in the coast guard militia in the War of 1812. and later became a journalist in Boston. He edited the lioston Gazette and the Boston Monthly Maga- zine, and in 1820 founded the yatinnal Itepuhli- can. The Itrpuhlican not proving a success, he re- sumed the practice of law in 1828 in New York. His most important book* are: Trarel.i in orth Aiiif'rica. hy Mi Key (ISIS): M(mi,irs of Gen-