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KRELL. 611 KRETSCHMANN. partly on political, but also on religious grounds. After long imprisonment he was beheaded in Dresden, October !l, 1001. Consult his Life by Brandes (Leipzig, 1873). KREMENETZ, krem'yenyets'. The chief town nf a district of the same name in the Gov- ernment of N'oliiyiiia, Russia, 182 miles west of Zhitomir (ilap: Russia, C 4). It has a gym- nasium, a natural liistory museum, and a botani- cal garden. In the vicinity are the ruins of an ancient Polish castle. Flour, mead, and beer are the cliief products, and there is some trade in grain. Kremcnetz is a town of considerable an- tiquity, dating from the eighth century. Popula- tion, in 18117, 17.(!I8. including about 0000 Jews. KREMENTCHUG, krem'cn-ehwg'. The ca]jital (if a district of the same name, in the Gov- ernment of Poltava, Russia, situated on the left bank of the Dnieper, GO miles south-southwest of Poltava (Jlap: Russia, Do). It has extensive manufactures of tobacco, agricultural machines, tloir, trinuned lumber, etc. The trade is chiefly in the ab'ive-mentioiicd manufactures and wool. Population, in 18117 (including the town of Kru- kov. on the opposite bank of the Dnieper), 58,648, of whom aI)out .'i.3,000 were Jews. KREMER, kra'mer, Alfred, Baron von (1828- 89j. An Austrian Orientalist and politician. He was l)orn in Vienna, and was educated there. On the recommendation of Hammer-Purgstall he was sent to Syria and Eg>'pt by the Vienna Acad- emy of Sciences (1850-51). When he returned he was ajipointed professor of modern Arabic in the Polytechnic Inslilulc nf 'ie!Uia. and soon after (1852) became interjjreter to the Austrian con- sulate in Kg.|it ; wa^^ advanced till he became consul at Cairo (1850). at Galatz. Rumania (1802). and at Beirut (1870). In 1872 he was made Ministerial counselor, and in 1870 he was sent to Egjpt as member of the Eg^-j)tian Debt Commission. In 1880 he was made Minister of Commerce, but held the position less than a year. His most important writings are: Mitlclsi/rien 1111(1 DiiiiKixLii.s ( 185.3) : Diinn drfi Ahii-yinrns ( 1855) ; .7i'</i//)(cn ; Forschunffeii iihcr Lund uiid ^'<)^lx■ (18(i3); Vcbcr die siidarubisr-hc Sage (I8()G) ; Geschichte der herrschenden Idecn des Islams (18CG): Kulturgeschichtliche Streifziige auf dcm Oebiete des Islams (I83I) ; Knltiirgc- schirlile des Orients tinier den Chalifen (1875) ; and lieitriigr znr iiriihisehen Lexikographie 1883- 84). In Austrian polities he was opposed to Slavic pretensions and to the clergy. Consult his Xiili(jnulil(itsidce iind der Staat (1885). KREMLIN. .V name of uncertain origin, used to designate the citadel in a Russian city. The best-known Kremlin is that of Moscow (q.v.). The kremlins of Novgorod (q.v.) and Rostov (q.v.) are also of considerable historical interest. KREM'NITZ (Hung. Kdrmoezhininu) . A royal free town of Hungarv, situated in the County of Bars, 158 miles by rail north from Budapest (Map: Hungary. F 2). It is sur- r<inn(Ied by walls, and contains an old town hall, with valuable archives, a mint, and an old castle. The town is famous for the gold and silver mines situated in the vicinity, and still included among the richest in Tlnngarv. Population, in 1800, 4230; in lOOO. 4300. KREMNITZ. Mite CM.vrie) (18.54—'). A Gerninn author, linrn at Greifswald. and married to a physician who settled at Bucharest in 1875. Brought into friendlj- relations with Queen Eliz- abeth of Rumania, she i)uldished in collaboration with the latter Rumiinisehe Uichtungen, transla- tions (3d ed. 188!) ), and, under the p.seudonym "Dito und Idem,' the drama Ayma lioleyn ( 1886), the novels .lus zicei Welten (2d ed. 1880) and .fls/ra(3d ed. 1887), and the collections of stories In der Irrc (3d ed. ISOO) and Ifaehe und andre Xocellen (18,S0). Her other writings include: Runiiiniselie Skizzen (1877): Rumanisehe Mar- chen (1882): Carmen Sylva. Ein Lebensbild (1882); Ausgewanderte, a novel (1890); and, under the ])seudonyni 'George Allan,' the novels, Fhivli der Licbe! (1881). Aus der rumiinischen Oesellsehaft ( 1881 ) , and Ein. FUrstenkind ( 1883) . After her husband's death, in 1897, she removed to Berlin. KREMS, krems. A town of Lower Austria, situated at the confluence of the Krems with the Danul)e, 47 miles by rail northwest of Vienna (.Map: Austria. D 2). It is adjacent to the town of Stein, located on the edge of the river. Krems has an old town hall, with archives, a teachers' seminary, a number of secondary educational estal>lisbnients. a library, and a noteworthy city museum. It manufactures steel products, mus- tard, and vinegar, and deals also in wine and sallron. Population, in 1890, 10,584; in 1900, 12.057. KREMSIER, krem'ser. A town of the Crown- l;ind of Moravia, Austria, situated in a fertile region on the March. 20 miles south-southeast of Olmiitz (Map: Austria, E 2). It consists of the idd walled town and a number of suburbs, and contains an archicpiscopal palace with a fine library, several gj'mnasia, a seminary for teach- ers, and a number of special schools. The chief manufactures are machinery, sugar, flour, and malt. There is some trade in agricultural prod- ucts. During the revolutionary troubles of 1848- 49 the Austrian Reichstag met here for several months. Population, in 1890. 12,480; in 1900, 13.901, mostly Catholic Czechs. KRESTOVSKI, kres-tof'skl. V. The pseudo- nyni of the Russian author Xadezhda Dmitrievna Ivlivoslitcliinskaya (q.v.). KRESTOVSKI, Vsevolod VLADlMiROiTcn (1840—1. A Russian historian and romancer, born in the Government of Kiev. He studied at the University of Saint Petersburg, but left with- out graduating to enter a cavalrv regiment, whose history he wrote (1874). Through this work he gained the appointment of military his- torian, and published an official account of the Kusso-Turkish War, called Dvadtsati Mesatsev v deistriiiiishttche'i Arni'i (1870). Besides transla- tions and poems, he proiluced a number of novels, in the manner of Eug&ne Sue, such as Xe per- ri/i I lie /tiislidnii (1859). .s'p/i.V'ij- (18t>0). and Krinarifi Put (1807). In I'eleibiiryskii Trust- ehoby (1807) he deals with low life in the Rus- sian capital. A complete edition of his works was published in 1873. KRETSCHMANN, krech'ni;in. K.vrl Frfed- ruii I 173S fSd'.l I. . German pcwt, born at Zit- tau. He was educated at Wittenberg, and held legal offices in Zittau until 1797. His defense of the exploded theory of Germanic bards did much to make him ridiculous, but his epigrams and lyrics brought him a reputation for unusual felicity of diction. His works include: Drr Ge- Sfing ilhingulphs des Bardcn (1769) ; Kleine Ro-