Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 13.djvu/424

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METHODISM. 388 METHODISM. 185G, and Drew Seminary at Madi- son. N. J., in 1SG7. Ganinion Theological Sem- inary, for colored preachers, was founded in South Atlanta, Ga.. in 1883, and the (Jrant Uni- versity School of Theology-, for whites, at Chat- tanooga, Tenn., began work in 188G. In the Methodist Episcopal Church there are 25 theo- logical institutions, 5G colleges and universities, 60 classical seminaries, 8 women's seminaries and colleges. 0!) foreign mission schools, and 4 missionary training schools. There is an im- portant .school for classical and theological in- stniction at Frankfort -on-the-ilain. another at Bareilly, India, and smaller schools of the same kind in other mission fields. The Jlethodist are many weekly and montlily periodicals. Th«  M'esleyan Mrthodist Magazine, London, was es- tablished under the name of the Arminian ilaga- zine in 1778. the Lmtdon Qiiailerli/ Hcvictr in 1853, the Primitive Methodist Quarterly in 1858, the Methodixt Ilevieir, Xew York, in 1818 (qtiar- terly. 1830. bi-monthly, 1885). the Mcthodifi He- rieu; Xashville. 1847. and the Canadian Metho- dist Qiinrtrrli/ in 1880 (merged in the Mrtltodiil Magazine, Toronto, in 1890). Statistics. According to the latest issue of the Methodist Year Book (New York. 1!)03), and the best figures that can be olitained, the sta- tistics of Methodism at the close of the year 1902 were as follows: DEXOMI.XATIOX Weslejan MethodiBt Cburch : Great Britain Ireland French Conference South African Conference West Indian Conferences Fnn'ipn .Missions Metluidist: Npw Connection Primitive Methodist Cliurrh Bible Christian C»-)nnectiun Weslcyan Ueform Union United Methodist Free Churches Indepemlent Met liodist Churches The Metliodist Cliun-h, .ustralasia The Methodist Cluiri'li, Canada Metliodist Episcojial Church (Ilorae and Foreign) Methodist I'loti-staiit Clnirch Weslevail .M ft liodist Cnmiertion Methodist Kpiscopal Church, South Free Methodist Church Union AiuiM-ican Methodist Episcopal Coni^rewational Methodist New CoiiKretratioTial Methodist P^iniiti^■e Metliodist Church, United States Inilepen.lelit .Methodist Evnui-'eliral Missionary Afrieatt Methodist Episcopal African Metliodist Episcopal (Zion) Afrieari ruion Methodist Protestant Conjrn'iratioiial Methodist (Colored) Colored Methodist Episcopal ZioD UniOQ Apostolic Ministers Churches Communicanta 2.238 8.508 496.710 253 468 28.650 37 143 1.646 202 826 93,660 93 431 45,726 395 2,404 64.614 207 674 42.929 1.048 5.413 196.651 212 793 2S.8n 18 188 7.849 m 1.392 93.684 397 156 8.644 932 5.639 131.774 2.030 291.895 l-,92-2 27,876 2.997.772 1,647 2,401 184.097 700 516 17.000 6.247 14.774 1,618.854 1.1)01 1,009 28.038 180 206 16.500 400 398 22.000 192 366 4.000 73 112 0>..')2O 8 16 2.569 &4 U 2,036 6.429 6,715 728.354 3,310 2.985 642.422 68 68 2.930 5 6 319 2,061 1,433 204,972 30 32 2.34«  48.843 84,888


Episcopal Church, South, reports 147 schools and colleges, one of the largest being Vandcrl)ilt Uni- Tersity at Nashville, Tenn.. with a theological school, organized in 1875. The Methodist Prot- estant Church has colleges at Adrian, Mich. (1859: theological department. 1882); West- minster, Md. (1808; theological department, 18821 : and Kansas City, Kan. ( 189G). The Free Methodists have seminaries at North Chili. X. Y. ; Spring Arbor. Mich.; Greenville. 111.; Ross, Wash.; and ICvansville. Wis. Canada established an academy at Cobourg. Ontario, in 183fi. which was made a college in 1841, the first degree- conferring body in Ontario: a medical faculty was added in 1854. law in 1800. theology in 1871, and the wliole (Victoria I'nivcrsity) removed to Toronto in 1892. The Wesleyan Theological CoUcoc in Montreal was established in 1873. and the Mount Allison College at Sackville, X. B., in 1859. There are several academies and female colleges. .ToiRVAi.isM ANnPrnLiSHiNo Intkrksts. Every branch of Methodism has its book room and publishing house. Those of the Weslcvan Metho- dists in London and Methodist Episcopal Churches. North and South, in Xew York and Nashville (with their brandies), are among the largest publishing houses in the world, and the house in Toronto is the largest in Canada. There Bibliography. Only a few representative works can be mentioned. Theologj': Watson, Theological Institutes (Xew York, 1824: many later eds. ) ; Pope, Theology (new ed., enl., London, 1875-7GI : Milcy, Si/stvninlir Theology (X'ew "ork. 1893); "Bank*. A'/. ments of Theology (London, 1887) : Sheldon, Christian Theology (Boston, 1901); Burwosli. Systematic Theology (London, 1901): Tigert. editor, Doctrines of the Methodist Fpiscofinl Church in America (Cincinnati, 1002). a re print of the doctrinal tracts of Discipline- from 1788 to 1808; Lidgett. The Fatherhood oj (!od (Edinburgh, 1902). Wesley's sermons and notes are standards of doctrine in England and her dependencies. Polity: Williams. Constitu- tion and Polity of ^Veslryan Melhodifntn (London. 1882) : Gregorv. Handbook of Wesleyan Metho- dist Polity and History (I^ndon. 1888): KigS, Church Organization (London, 1887: 3d eil.. enl.. 1900) ; Pcrrine. Principles of Church flnvem- ment (New York, 1887); Rigg. Comparative Vieir of Church Organizations (3d ed.. London, 1900) : Barclay, editor. Constitution of the Meth- odist Episcopal Churches in America (Nashville, 1902). Historv: Histories of Methodism, by Stevens (3 vols., London, 1858-01; supp. VOL 1900): George Smith (London. 1857-02). able, but uartisan for Wesleyanism in treatment