Page:The New Monthly Magazine - Volume 031.djvu/11

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Three Days of December in Paris 119
The Sisters 125
After-Dinner Chat No. I. 127, II. 363
Flowers in a Room of Sickness 141
Stanzas 149
On the Principles of Property and the Poor-Laws. By John Galt, Esq. 150
Byron's Last Biographer 159
An Adventure on the Mer de Glace 165
Dr. Nares's Life of Lord Burghley 174
Monthly Commentary 184, 485, 593
The Portrait 205
Poland. Consequences of the Partition.—Causes of the Present Insurrection 206
Mavrovitch, the Pole 225
Some Passages from the Diary of a late Fashionable Apothecary 233
The Political Aspect of Ireland 242
Life of Sir Humphrey Davy 260
The Haunted House 269
Maureen 281
Doctor Parr 282
Truth 288
A Letter to Doctor Southey, &c. &c. Poet Laureate, respecting a remarkable Poem, by a Mechanic 289
The Bright Summer Time 295
The Lament for Shuil Donald's Daughter 306
Sketches of the Scottish Bar.—No. I. Mr. Jeffrey, Lord Advocate, 307.—No. II. Mr. Cockburn, Solicitor-General 520
The Adventures of a Revolution 314
The Master of Logan 321
The Unreported Meeting 337
Captain Beechey's Narrative of his Voyage to the Pacific 373
Prospectus of the "Help-Yourself Society." 383 The Progress of Reform. By an old Reformer 385, 541}}
Twenty Years! By Thomas Haynes Bayly 296
A Complaint of Street Minstrelsie 397
The Months January, 415.—February, 557.—March, 558
Italy in February 1831 417
The Duet 425
The late Mr. Fuseli 432
Read, Mark, Learn! 450
A Garland of Common Flowers. By Barry Cornwall, Esq. 451
Lucy Franklin 455
London Lyrics. Proverbs 467