Page:The New Testament in the original Greek - Introduction and Appendix (1882).pdf/19

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114. Mixed Vulgate Gospels 82
115. The factitious Latin texts of bilingual ΜSS 82
116. The extant Old Latin documents for the Acts, Epistles, and Apocalypse 83
117. Latin Fathers 83
118. The Old Syriac and the Vulgate Syriac: Syriac Fathers 84
119. The Philoxenian or Harklean Syriac and the Jerusalem Syriac 85
120. The Egyptian versions, Memphitic, Thebaic, and Bashmuric 85
121. The Armenian and the Gothic 86
122. The versions of later times 86
C. 123—126. Fathers. 87—89
123. Various forms of patristic evidence 87
124. Patristic statements about variations or MSS 87
125. The range of extant patristic evidence limited, especially as regards continuous commentaries 87
126. Collections of biblical extracts 88
127, 128. Documentary preparation for this edition 89, 90
127. Distinctness of the three processes, collection of documentary evidence, discussion of its bearings, and editing of a text 89
128. In this edition collection of fresh evidence inconsiderable, though sufficient for the acquisition of personal experience 89
Section I. Determination of the genealogical relations of the chief ancient texts (129—168) 90—119
129. Exploration of ancient ramifications the starting-point 90
A. 130, 131. Priority of all great variations to Cent. v 91—93
130. The text of Chrysostom and other Syrian Fathers of Cent. iv substantially identical with the common late text 91
131. The text of every other considerable group of documents shown by analogous evidence of Fathers and Versions to be of equal or greater antiquity 92
B. 132—151. Posteriority of 'Syrian' (δ) to 'Western' (β) and other (neutral, α) readings shown

(1) by analysis of conflate readings

132. Enquiry how far whole groups of documents have been affected by mixture 93
133. Illustrations of conflation from single documents 94
134. Conflation in groups of documents, as in Mark vi 33, which has three principal variants, α, β, δ: 95
135. attestation of α, β, δ in this place: 96