Page:The New Testament in the original Greek - Introduction and Appendix (1882).pdf/27

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Section I. Documentary Groups as limited by reference to Primary Greek MSS generally (256—280) 187—206
A. 256—260. General considerations on Documentary Groups 187—191
256. Internal Evidence of Documents already taken into account for the great ancient texts, in reference to their internal character; 187
257. and this process equally applicable to any group of documents that recurs in isolation from the rest, 188
258. on the assumption that the text of the group is homogeneous 189
259. Isolation a necessary condition, because readings attested by other documents as well as by the group exhibit the character not of the group's special ancestor but of an earlier ancestor of all 189
260. Virtual identity of groups found to be compatible with a certain amount of variation in their composition 190
B. 261—264. Progressive limitation of Groups with reference to Primary Greek MSS 191—194
261. Groups worthy of attention found to be comparatively few, being marked by the presence of one or more primary Greek MSS 191
262. Enumeration of primary Greek MSS 192
263. Internal excellence of readings attested by all the primary Greek MSS; 193
264. or by all except D or D2G3 193
C. 265—267. Relation of Primary Greek MSS to other documentary evidence 194—196
265. The need of determining whether Primary Greek MSS can be decisive as to a reading opposed by all or nearly all other documents of any class 194
266. The chief means of determination (a) Internal Evidence of the Groups thus formed by Primary Greek MSS, to be discussed hereafter, and (b) the textual character of the several classes of secondary documents, to be considered now 195
267. Important fragmentary documents to be noticed in variations for which they are extant, that it may be ascertained whether their absence has to be allowed for elsewhere 196
D. 268. Absence of Secondary Greek MSS from Groups containing Primary Greek MSS 196, 197
268. The large amount of various mixture in all secondary Greek MSS sufficient to account for their opposition to many genuine readings of Primary Greek MSS 196