Page:The New View of Hell.djvu/30

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set, that love to the Lord and charity toward the neighbor are the essentials of all doctrine and worship, then heresies would be no more; and one church would be formed out of many, however they might differ in doctrine and ritual. . . . In this case, all would be governed as one man by the Lord; for they would be like the members and organs of one body, which, though dissimilar in form and function, still have reference to one heart, on which they all depend both in general and in particular, however various their forms. Then, too, every one would say of another, in whatsoever doctrine or external worship he might be. This is my brother; I see that he worships the Lord, and that he is a good man."—Ibid. 2385.

"Persons in a blind or persuasive faith, since they do not see truths, are not willing that the doctrines of their church should be approached and examined rationally with the understanding; but they say that these are to be received from a principle of obedience, which is called the obedience of faith; and it is not known whether the things received in such blind obedience be true or false; nor can they open the way to heaven, for in heaven nothing but what is seen, that is, understood, is acknowledged as truth."—Apocalypse Explained 1100.

"The dogma that the understanding is to be kept in subjection to faith, is rejected in the New Church; and in its place this is to be received as a maxim, that the truth of the church should be seen in order that it may be be-