Page:The New View of Hell.djvu/31

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lieved; and truth cannot be seen otherwise than rationally. How can any man be led by the Lord and conjoined to heaven, who shuts his understanding against such things as relate to salvation and eternal life? Is it not the understanding that is to be illumined and instructed? And what is the understanding closed by religion but thick darkness, and such darkness, too, as rejects the light that would illumine?"—Apocalypse Revealed 564.

These quotations might be extended indefinitely. But the reader may gather from the few here given, something of the large, free, tolerant and truly catholic spirit of this new Dispensation. And if we recognize in nearly all the churches of to-day, a steady increase of this same spirit, that is only additional evidence that "old things"—the old bigotry, narrowness, intolerance, denominational hatreds, and high partition walls of the last century—are passing away, and a new and more truly Christ-like spirit taking their place; agreeably to the Divine promise: "And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold I make all things new."