Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/611

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p of,

234; historian and, 234 - 236, 248;

404- 405; errors corrected by, 407

bibliography of, 234 n.; prepared , 235; inspired, 235 -236 ; Townsend

408 ; crime and , 410, 476 – 477; social conditions recorded by, 472– 475 , 476 - 478; domestic conditions re corded by, 475; changes in , 475 -476 .

on, 235 n .; repudiated, 236, 237,237 n ., 238 n .; suppressed, 236 - 237; edited , 237; Evening Post on , 237, 239 ;

See also Caricatures; Cartoons; Pho

faked , 237 – 239; Goldwin Smith on ,

tographs; Sketches .

238 - 239;


" wooden,”

239 ;

Immigrant press . See Foreign-language press .

Immigration, states invite, 343; Gar field and Chinese , 418.

Impartial Intelligencer, first newspaper advertisement in , 332 n .

Impey, Sir Elijah, Fitzjames Stephen on , 299 n .

Imprisonment, of newspaper men, 5 . “ Incendiary literature ," 86 .


stolen ,

239 ;

239 240 ;

political, 240 - 241; local, 241; social, 242; authoritativeness of, 242– 244 , 248 ; James on , 244 – 245; physicians

and , 245 ; Whiteing on , 246 ; changing nature of, 246– 248; Banfield on, 247; Blathwayt on , 247. See also Inter viewers.

Inventions, growth of press facilitated by, 15 - 17.

Independent, The, N . Y ., twenty- first anniversary number of, 65 n .; article on falsification of news, cited , 149 n .,

Inveresk Gazette, 23 .n . Iowa, newspaper business declared unessential industry in , 255.

438 n .; articles on dramatic critics , cited, 322 n .; portrait of Brandeis in ,

393 n .; quoted , 447 ; college for edi

Ireland , reforms necessary for, 13 ; gov ernment advertisements in papers of, 87 ; relief of, 338 .

tors, letter in , 457.

Iris , 47.

Independent journalism , Pebody on , 34 ; White on, 57; at times to be dis

counted , 90 . See also Party journalism .

Irwin , Will, on the newspaper , 53; on war correspondent, 220 n .

Italy, official reporting used in , 175; war correspondents barred from , 205 ;

Independent Monitor , 380 n .

Honan on war corresponding in ,

Index, 48. India , news-letters in , 6 . Indian newspapers, 65. -

graphs published in , 395 n .; forged

Indices, newspaper, 111; Richmond on , 1ΟΙ.

Industrial News Bureau Service, 127. Indy, Vincent d ', on art, 289. Informer , 48.

Ingram , Herbert, political advertise

208 n .; relief of, 338; German photo newspapers in , 416 - 417.

Item , New Orleans, advertising rejected by, 367 n .

I. W . W ., Young and Reed on trial of, 430 - 431. Izzedin, Prince Yussuf, suspicious death of, 211 n .

ments against, 352.

Ingram , J. V . N ., check list by, cited, 49 n .

Institute of Journalists of Great Britain , 454 n .; Zola 's address before, 67.

Jackson, Andrew , editors rewarded by, 260 .

Jackson , G . A . & Atkinson , R . H . M . B ., work by , cited , 292 n .

Intelligencer , 48. Intelligencer, Leeds, 97, 251. Interborough Rapid Transit Co., 344.

Jackson , Stonewall, 274 n .

Inter -colonial Railway, advertisements

Jackson, W . S., on Gillray, 385 n.;

of, 89. Inter Lake, 47.

International Exhibition of Graphic Art, 115 n .

International News Service, 80, 121;

Jackson, Mason, quoted , 376; work by, cited , 410 n .

cited , 390 n .

" Jakery and Mikery ,” 51. “ Jakes, ” 50.

James, Henry , on being interviewed, 244 - 245; quoted , 376 .

news pirated by, 131; ban placed on ,

Jameson raid , 186 .


Japan, article on yellow press in , cited ,

Inter Ocean, 47.

31 n .

Interviewers, difficulties of, 245- 246.

Japan Society, advertisements of, 351 n .

See also Interviews. Interviews, 11, 12, Chap. X ; clergymen

" Jeames, ” 50 .

seek , 92; relation to special corre-

spondence, 181; origin of, 233; The Nation on, 233 n ., 241, 453 n .; royal,

Jay , John, letters of, 422. Jebb , R . C ., essay by , cited , 2 n .; on answers to correspondents, 59; on Roman gazettes,