Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/612

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Jefferson, Thomas, 342; contemporary account of, 330 n .; on newspapers,

Journal, favorite newspaper name in France , 50.

Journal, Gloucester , parliamentary re

425 - 426 .

Jeffrey , Francis, 278; Carlyle on , 279 ; on Carlyle , 279; Edinburgh Review under, 297; Smiles on, 297 n .; Wordsworth and, 298 – 299 ; Miss Seward on, 298 n. ; Pearson on , 298 n .; chal lenged by Moore, 314, n . Jellachich , article on , cited , 177 n . Jenkins, W ., on illustrators in press , 377 n .

Jennings, L . J., ed ., work by, cited, 136 n ., 200 n .

Jensen, G . E ., ed., work by, cited, 54 n .

ports in , 161. Journal amusant, Le, 382. Journal de l'Empire, 49 n . Journal of Commerce, excluded from early newspaper association , 119 ; yacht named after , 119; advertising policy of, 370 ; suspended, 418- 419 . Journal Officiel, 442. Journalism , press and, distinguished , 38 ; literature and , 103, 103 n ., 273 ; Day on the new , 262 n . See also Schools of journalism ; Amateur;

Jerdan, William , Canning and, 88, 260;

Army; College; Independent; Labor;

Autobiography of, cited , 89 n .; on

Navy ; Party; Personal; Prison ; So ciety ; and Trade journalism




112 ;

difficulties of parliamentary reporting described by, 167; West End land lords and , 263– 264 ; on editing pro vincial papers , 278 ; Coburn 's letter to , quoted , 292; on literary journals, 292 – 293; on reviews in Sun , 293 ; newspapers collected by, 452.

Jerrold , Blanchard , Catling and, 281. Jerrold , Douglas, W . Jerrold 's work on , cited , 388 n .

Jerrold , Walter, work by, cited , 388 n . Jews, relief of, 338, 339, Jewsbury ,Maria Jane, parody on critics by , 314, 314 n . Johannesburg, false news from , 189. " John Bull,” symbol, 401. " Johnnies ,” 50 . Johnson , Burges, on the headline, cited ,

52 n .; on development of press, 66 ; cited , 402 n .

Johnson , R . B ., cited , 296 n ., 306 ; on fa mous reviews, 306 .

Journalisten , Die, drama by Freytag, 260 .

Journaux rouges, Les , 49 n . Jowett, B ., 269 n . Judge, origin of, 267; incorrect cartoon in , 391 n .; Gillam 's cartoon in , 392.

Judge, The , 459. Junius, Letters of, 422; unsigned but famous, 71 ; Wadeon , 180 - 181; bibliography of, 422 n . " Jupiter Junior," 50.

Juvenal,disputed passage of, 2, 2 n ., 3 n . Kaiser. See William II, Emperor.

Kansas, Connelley 's history of news papers in , cited , 49 n .; publishing business in , 363 n . Kansas City, advertisements of, 343 n . Käseblatt, Allgemeine deutsche, trade journal, 18 n .

Katkoff, Mr., article on , cited , 24 n . Keats, John , attacked by Quarterly Review , 296 , 298, 316 ; Byron on

Johnson , Samuel, on writing a poem for a prize, 14 ; parliamentary reports composed by, 162– 166 , 170 , 171, 179 ; Hawkins' Life of, cited, 162 n .; Haw kins on reports of, 163– 164, 165 - 166 ; Hutton 's work on, cited , 164 n .; Hill's edition of Boswell, cited , 165 n .;

Keerius, Petris , 115 n . Kellogg , A . N ., 134 n . Kennan , George, article by, cited , 124 n .

interview of George III with , 234;

Keppler, Joseph , work by, cited, 382 n .,

on book reviewers, 301 n .; quoted , 332; on patriotism , 373 ; on advertis ing, 375; on Acta Diurna , 412- 413. See also Boswell, James . Jones, Henry Arthur, his appeal to press, 324 n . Jones, Paul, broadsides of, 340 ; newspaper accounts of, 488 . Jonson , Ben , 116, 427; quoted , 114, 115, 138, 425.

Joseph, King, Feltre's letters to, cited , 199 n .

Joslyn , George A., testimony given by, death of, 298 n .

Kenyon, Lord , Memory Woodfall and, 169 . 408 n .

Kerlin , R , T., Voice of Negro by, 26 n., 487 - 488 .

Keys, F. V., article by, cited, 36 n. Khan, X ., Einstein on , 391 n . Khartoum , cartoons of, 392– 393. Kilmer, Joyce, article by, cited, 234 n ., 248 n .

King, Rufus, work by, cited , 109 n . Kinglake, A . W ., Delane blamed by ,

201, 204 n .; work by, cited, 201 n .; McCullagh on , 219 n .; met Russell, 223 n .; on Delane at Oxford , 278; Maxse on , 293 n .