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Robinson Crusoe, published as newspaper serial, 106 .

Robinson, Henry Crabb, 187, 200 ; sent to Germany by Times, 33, 196 n .;

in Sweden and Spain , 196 n .; Welling ton protests against, 198 ; on London Review , 315, 315 n .

Robinson, H . P ., on war correspondent, 215 n .; on truth in war correspond ence, 216 n .

Robinson , John R . & McCarthy, Justin , work by , cited , 183 n ., 325 n .

Robinson , J. P., telegraph service in augurated by, 217 n .

Robinson ,Mrs. W . S., work by, cited , 370 n .

Robinson, William S., publishers and, 264 –265. Rochdale Observer, 258.

Rodgers, C . & Black , J., work by, cited , 56 n ., 265 n ., 307 n .

Russell, Lord Charles, on Reporters' Gallery, 167.

Russell, G . W . E ., ed ., work by, cited, 56 n .

Russell, George W ., on people who read newspapers , 447. Russell, Isaac, article by, cited , 185 n . Russell, William Howard , article on , cited , 183 n.; excerpt from work by, quoted , 185; Godkin on , 196 n ., 270 n .; inscription in St. Paul's to , 196 n ., 213 n .; Atkins' Life of, cited , 197 n .; Arnold on , 197 n .; in Crimean War, 200 - 202, 221; works by, cited , 200 n ., 201 n .; article by, cited , 201 n .;

Washington government and, 203, 203 n .; abrupt return to England from America , 203 n ., 224 n .; im portance of letters of, 220 n .; Cook on , 223 n . ; on himself, 223 n ., 224 n .; on press in Civil War, 224 n . ; honors

Rogers, A ., 476 n . Rogers, Jason, work by , cited , 16 n . Rogers, J . E ., work by , cited, 73 n . Rogers, J. G ., on pulpit and press , 93 n. Romaine, Mr., 224 n .

bestowed on , 225; Queen ofGreece on , 225; letters on Suez Canal by, 407 ; at O 'Connell trial, 456 n . Russia , newspaper correspondents ex

Roman Catholic press. See Catholic

211 n .; " sitting " editors in , 268 n .; article on press of, cited , 268 n .; book on epic songsof, reviewed , 316 n . ; relief of, 338 ; Prince of Wales in , 380 n .; war photographs in , 396 n .; forged newspapers in , 417. Russo -Japanese War, “ killed the war correspondent, ” 211; experiment of


Roman Catholics, relief of, 338. Romanticism , press rendered service to history of, 107. Rome, dissemination of news in , 2 – 3 . Romilly, on book reviewers , 294 – 295 . Roosevelt, Theodore, 56 , 86 n ., 90 ; pictures of, in Times, 379 n .; cartoons of, 391 n ., 408 ; portrait of, in Barba -

does paper, 394 n .; his opinion of newspapers, 447. Rooster , 47.

Root, C . T., work by, cited , 18 n . Rose , Harrison, 148. Ross, E . A ., article by, 123 n ., 464 n .

pelled from , 186 ; war censorship in ,

wireless vessel in , 212 n . Russo - Turkish War, work

on news

paper correspondents in , cited, 186 n .; Forbes on war correspondence of, 215 n .; war correspondents during, 215 n . ; narrative of, in war corte

spondence of Daily News, 219 n . Rustler , 48.

Ross , F ., series of articles by, 228 n .

Roubaud, F ., work by, cited , 10 n . Roumania , relief of, 338 . Routledge , Thomas, made paper from esparto grass, 15 n .

Roversi, L ., on caricatures of Caruso , 386 n . Royal Blind Asylum and School, 339. Royall, Anne, early woman editor, 25 n . Royce , G . M ., article by, cited , 186 n . Ruddiman , Thomas, Chalmers' Life of, cited , 413 n .

Rudolph , C . A . & Billany, H . H ., work by , cited , 23 n . “ Running Stationers of Edinburgh ,

The,” 7 . Rush , Dr. James , on newspapers, 427 n .

Rushmore, E . M ., 52 n . Russell, C . E ., quoted , 233; article by, cited , 437.

Sagamore Sociological Conference , re port of, quoted , 352 n .; cited , 359 n .

Sainte -Beuve, Babbitt on, 290 ; Cousin on , 297, 297 n .; Arnold on, 304. St. John , Order of, 98 n . St. John of Jerusalem , Order of, 339. St. Paul, on exchange of newsin Athens, 2.

St. Paul's Cathedral, tablet to war correspondents in , 213 n . Saintsbury , G ., on critics, 305; on literary criticism , 305, 307 n .; on Macaulay's criticism , 306 .

“ Sairy Gamp, " 50 . Sala , G . A ., persona non grata , 52- 53; attitude of Arnold toward , 197 n .; Life and Adventures, cited , 417 n .

Salisbury ,Lord,on special correspondent, 183; journalists given titles by, 256 .