Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/625

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Salley , A . S ., Jr., forgery exposed by, 416 n . Salomon, Ludwig, history of German press, cited , 8 n ., 88 n .

Sampson, Henry , work by, cited , 332 n .

20 ; dedication in work of, quoted , 252- 253; memorial of, 253 n .; on theology in newspaper, 253.

Scott, Leslie M ., ed ., work by, cited ,

Scott, Walter, on literary criticism in England, 292 ; Miss Seward 's letter

74 .

Sandars, Edmund, work by, cited , 395 n. San Francisco , illustration of earth quake in , 394 n . Santa Claus, symbol, 402. Santiago, battle of, 395 n . Sargent, Epes, letter to Griswold, quoted , 314 n .

Saturday Review , Goldwin Smith on , 64 ; writers for, 103 n .; Mill on, 258 ;

review by Morley in , 295 n .; attacked things American, 296 ; book reviews in , 308 , 316 n .

to , quoted, 298 n .; his letter to Ballantyne, quoted , 311; on anonym ity , 315 - 316 .

Scott -James, R . A ., work by, cited , 17 n .; on yellow press, 30 -31, 54 ; on appearance of new daily , 33; on The Times, 33– 34. Scourge, 49. Scout, 47.

Scribner's Monthly, article on


journalism in , 24 n .

Scripps newspaper, Irwin on , 53.

Sault, Richard , 274 n . Saunders and Otley, publishers, 314 n . Saunders, T . B ., trans., work by, cited, 70 n ., 316 n .

Saunders, William , Central Press of,

Searchlight, 47, 465 . Sebastopol, 442. Sedan , White 's story of, 217 n .; cam paign of, 221.

Sedgwick , Theodore, Jr., ed ., work by, cited , 272 n .


Scandal and the press, 4 , 5 n ., 53, 61, 432– 433; Anne Royall on , 25 n .; Fonblanque on , 55 ; Dickens on , 55 ; De Tocqueville on, 55. See also Society journals.

Seitz , Don C ., work by, cited , 488 n . Selden , Charles, correspondent of Times , 395 n .

Seil's World 's Press , 49 n .

Senior, Nassau, 67. American

correspondent in Europe, 184 n .; article by , cited , 186 n .

Schlesinger, A . M ., article by, cited , 24 n .

School news, 11, 101 - 102. Schoolboy's Punch , The, 19 .

Schools of journalism , 102; headline studied in , 109 n .; work of reporter much studied in , 152– 153; de velopment of, 457 – 462, 465. See also Pulitzer School of Journalism . Schopenhauer, on anonymity , 69– 70 , 316 . Schornsteinfeger, trade journal, 18 n. Schulte , Friedrich von , on German bureaucracy , 260 .

Schurz , Carl, 265 n .; Reminiscences, cited , 26 n . ; Speeches, etc ., cited , 26 n .; accused by press , 441.

Scimitar, 48. “ Scoop, ” decline of, 11, 456. Scotland, dissemination of news in

early , 6 - 7 . Scott, Dred , 431. Scott, F . N ., on the newspaper, 105 n .; on editors, 273 n .

Scott, F . W ., work on Illinois newspapers , cited , 15 n ., 28 n ., 49 n ., 90 n ., 134 n ., 271 n .; on Illinois newspapers , 152.

Scott, Harvey W ., and religious press,

253 n .

Sancho Panza , The Times compared to,

Schierbrand , W . von , on

Sensational journalism .



press. “ Separates, " 159, 160.

Serbia , relief of, 338. Seward , Miss, on Jeffrey, 298 n . Shadwell, A ., article by, cited , 190 n . Shakespeare, 325 ; newspaper motto taken from , 44 ; quoted , 249. Shand , A . I., articles by , cited , 34 n .; on London Times, 99 n .

Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick , Gower's letter to , quoted , 64 -65; Scott's letters to, quoted , 292, 315, 316 . Shaw , Albert, work by, cited , 391 n ., 408 n . Shaw , G . B ., on journalism as literature, 103, 103 n .; on the reporter, 145 ;

press blamed by, 328; quoted , 468. Sheffield Mercury, 278 n . Shepherd, W . G ., his experience with German censor, 212 n .; on fake stories, 212; on the censor, 217. Shepherd , W . R ., work by, cited , 100 n . Sheppard , S . T ., article by, cited , 183 n ., 196 n .

Sheridan , R . B ., speech on freedom of press, 169.

Sherman, John , W .

T . Sherman 's

letter to , quoted , 203. Sherman, General W . T ., war corre spondents and , 202; on w