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ar cor

respondents, 203; his letter to John

Smith , George, sent on Assyrian ex

Sherman , quoted , 203; his march to sea , instigated by Southern press,

pedition , 13. Smith , Gerrit, 233 n .

221 .

Smith, Goldwin, on Saturday Review ,

Sherwood, M ., article by, cited, 401 n .

correspondent at home, 219 - 220 .

64; on false interviews, 238 – 239; on Macaulay, 299; Greenwood 's letter to , quoted , 430 ; on college for journalists, 459-460 ; on joint stock newspaper, 463-464 .

Shorter, C . K ., article by, cited ,

Smith , Henry Louis, letter from , cited,

Shipping news, guaranteed by federal government, 77 .

Shirley , James, quoted , 195; on war 217 n . ; on Illustrated London News, 392 n .

Shubert theaters,dramatic critic barred from , 320 .

458 n .

Smith , James E . See Smith, “ Shep herd ." Smith , K . L., article by, cited , 395 n.

Signal, 48.

Smith, Munroe, on errancy, 60.

Signature , emphasized importance of

Smith , " Shepherd ,” work on , cited ,

Shuman, E . L., cited , 233 n. writer rather than paper, 66 ; in

France, 66, 67-68, 71, 72; Zola on

journalistic in

94 n .

Smith , Sydney, 314 n .; Edinburgh

67, 71, 317; Bulwer in favor of, 69 n .,

Review founded by , 294 ; Stephen on ,

316 ; in dailies, weeklies, monthlies, and quarterlies, 70 ; in United States,

295 n . Smith , W . A ., work by , cited , 94 n .

70 - 71, 72, 78 - 79 ; historian and, 71, Smith, W . H ., and Son , distributing 423- 424 ; bibliography of, described : agency, 16, 136. by Frederick Harrison , 72; Poe in Smith Street Gazette and Institutional

favor of, 317 n . See also Anonymity. Silk Assn . of America , advertisement of, 344 n .

“ Silly season ,” newspaper, 58.

Simonis, H ., work by, cited , 118 n., 255 n . Simpson, William , on Paris fire of 1871, 380 n .; Prince of Wales and, 380 n .; erroneous sketch by, 391 n .; illustrations of Suez Canal by, 407; “ gates of Somnath " exposed by, 407 -408 ; sketches of spurs and cross by, 408.

Sinclair, A ., work by, cited , 370 n . Sing Sing Bulletin , The, prison journal, 27 n .

Review , The , 24 n .

Smollett, Dr., cautioned by Samuel Johnson , 164.

Snowden, Philip, interview attributed to, 238 n . Social welfare, press and, 12, 98 - 101, 451; illustration and , 472– 473, 476 477.

Society journals, 22- 23. Society page, 11; in city and country press, 485- 487 .

Somnath , Puttun, gates of, 407-408. Sorghum , Senator, 62.

Soudan , war correspondents killed in , 213 n .

South Africa , news from , distorted,

Sisson documents, 419 n ., 443 n .

189, 228 – 229; war correspondents

Sitka Times, 65 n . Sizeranne, Robert de la , article by , cited , 383 n ., 398 n .; on caricatures, 389 n .; on war cartoons, 399 n . Skeikh -ul-Islam , 391 n . Sketches, 384. See also Illustrations. Slagle, R . L ., article by, cited , 134 n . Slander. See Scandal and the press .

outwit censors of, 209 n . ; war corre spondents suffered in war of, 213 n . ;

South America , bibliography of press in , 100 n . See also Prensa , La.

Slauson, A . B., article by, cited , 484 n.

Southern Commercial Congress, pub

Slosson, E . E ., article by, cited , 463 n .;

licity campaign urged by, 343 n . Southern Literary Messenger , on de pendence on North, 56 .

465 n .

Smalley , G . W ., on famous article in Daily News, 214 n .; work by, cited , 215 n .; on use of telegraph , 217 n .

Smiles , Samuel, work by, cited, 264 n ., 269 n ., 298 n .; on Edinburgh Review and on Jeffrey, 297 n . Smith, Sir Culling E ., Arnold 's letter to , quoted , 73 n .

Smith , Elias, 91.

press revealed information for enemy in war of, 221; article on literature

of war in , cited , 229 n . See also Boer War.

Southey, Robert, Jeffrey and , 298 n . ; Jewsbury and , 314 n .; Macaulay on , 314 n .

Spanish -American War , American press in , 131, 219 n ., 221; war correspond ents outwit censor in , 209 n .; censor

ship in , 222- 223; status of war cor respondent in , 226 .