Page:The Other Life.djvu/121

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and with whom and how it shall live for ever. No arbitrary or judicial decree lifts it to heaven or dooms it to hell. We determine the final forms of our inner universe of affection and thought by our own life and conduct upon earth, and those forms of our spiritual nature determine our external surroundings to eternity.

We have already seen how the character of the spirit gives beauty or deformity to the spiritual body, perfection or imperfection, pleasure or pain to the spiritual senses. The intelligence of the spirit determines what clothing the spiritual body is to wear.

Clothing in heaven? Why not?

Is it not said of the angel who rolled away the stone from the sepulchre, "and his raiment was white as snow?"

Did not the women who entered the sepulchre see an angel who was "clothed in a long white garment?" And the seer of Patmos tells us that, when a door was opened to him in heaven, he saw on one occasion "seven angels" coming out of the temple, "clothed in pure white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles." Rev. xv. 6.

Let infidels and rationalists sneer at the statement that we have bodies and clothing and houses