Page:The Other Life.djvu/122

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in heaven. The Christian expects to live in a spiritual body in which he will no longer see darkly, but face to face; he hopes to be clad with the saints in fine linen and purple; he believes he will be given one of those mansions of which there are so many in his Father's house.

As the garments of the angels correspond to their spiritual states, they change or are changed according to these states. They are of different styles and colors according to the rank and office of the wearers. They are opaque or dull, or bright or flaming in splendor, each and all in turn according to the variations of their affections and thoughts.

These garments are not made with hands. They are given by the Lord, from day to day, from moment to moment. They come to the angels as the leaves come to the tree, as the colors come to the cloud. Our spiritual bodies are arrayed in beauty and glory, like the lilies of the field, without toil, without spinning, even without our thought.

The houses in the spiritual world are not built by manual labor, but rise

"Like golden exhalations of the dawn,"

in obedience and in correspondence to the outflowing spiritual life of those who dwell in them.