Page:The Other Life.djvu/123

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Hear what Swedenborg reports:

"I have been with the angels in their habitations. They are exactly like our houses upon earth, but more beautiful. They contain chambers, drawing-rooms and bed-rooms in great numbers. They have courts, and are encompassed by gardens, flower-beds and fields."

"Where the angels live in societies, the habitations are contiguous, and arranged in the form of a city, with courts, streets, and squares exactly like the cities on our earth. It has also been granted me to walk through them and to look about on all sides. This occurred to me when wide awake, my interior sight being open at the time."

"I have seen palaces in heaven so magnificent as to surpass all description. Some were more splendid than others. The inside was in keeping with the outside. The apartments were ornamented with such decorations, that no language is adequate to the description of them."

Heavenly affections, wise thoughts and good deeds are the materials which determine the construction of these eternal homes. We are every day by our life here contributing something to our surroundings hereafter. Not only are our ciothing and houses thus created, but the scenery about us;