Page:The Other Life.djvu/132

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Yes, the external world of the spirit is a vast series of symbolisms, which reveal to his perceptive faculties the infinite treasures of spiritual truth and the infinite miracles of spiritual love. Nothing comes to him from without, although it seems to do so, but all from within.

The God within him reveals himself outwardly to him as a Sun. He feels the divine wisdom in the light which surrounds him, and the divine love in the sweet warmth of his celestial air. The winds and the clouds denote to his eye the movements in the spheres above him. He draws from his evening stars a spiritual light that emanates from the innumerable societies of heaven. All things are alive to him and commune with him. All things breathe upon him wisdom and love. The forests, the gardens, the flowers, the waters, the mountains, the sea, are voices that speak, and faces that smile, and hands that beckon, and music that gladdens, and thoughts that illumine, and hearts that beat in unison with his own.