Page:The Other Life.djvu/133

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THE practical man, disgusted with metaphysical subtleties, turns impatiently away at the mention of time and space. Let him give us his ear. He will find much that is novel, beautiful and instructive in Swedenborg's presentation of these subjects. Swedenborg is not altogether free from mystery and obscurity. How could it be otherwise, when he deals with infinite themes and struggles to convey spiritual truths to natural minds? He has, however, delivered us from so many errors, dissipated so many clouds before us, led us to such clear and commanding heights, that we can trustingly follow him on the most difficult paths, assured that if we do not understand him, the fault will lie mainly in the feebleness and darkness of our own minds.

Some will say these things are very strange! as if the strange and new were necessarily impossible! Do you suppose that heaven can be, opened to you,