Page:The Other Life.djvu/146

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body, was presented with a view of spirits from several planets of our solar system, and from worlds that revolve afar off in the sidereal abysses, and through them he saw the people and objects in those remote spheres.

Thus his little book, "Earths in the Universe," upon which the greatest ridicule has been heaped, and which is perhaps the most difficult fully to comprehend, is explained by, and in return itself illustrates the fundamental laws of our spiritual being.

In the spiritual world nothing ever separates us from those we love and by whom we are loved; for to think of one there intently from affection, is to bring him before our face. Affection is presence and thought is sight. God is, therefore, for ever shining as a sun before the faces of his children.

Another of the wonders of the spiritual life is that the sun is always in the east, and that the angels can never turn their backs upon it. Whichever way they turn their bodies the sun is always in front of them. This fact, apparently so strange, is only a part of the general law, that all objects which appear outwardly to spirits are representative of spiritual things within themselves. The sun without them represents the Lord as he is