Page:The Other Life.djvu/147

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received in their inmost hearts. Their affections, the interior faces of the spirit are perpetually turned toward the Lord, and therefore the representative sun appears perpetually before the face of the body. On the contrary the sun of the spiritual world is always at the back of evil spirits. They do not see it because they are interiorly turned away from the Lord.

Morning, noon and evening come and go, not according to the rising and setting of the sun, for the sun of the spiritual world appears always at a middle altitude between the horizon and the zenith; but in obedience to the mutations of the spirit itself in its reception of the divine love and wisdom. It is morning when the Lord rises freshly and sweetly upon the heart with his married beams of goodness and truth. The light which illumines the world, illumines also with living radiance of thought the soul that surveys it. The celestial love accompanying this morning light stirs warmly the most secret fountains of the emotional life. The morning hour of the angels is their state of sweetest peace, innocence, trust and joy.

Every morning in the spiritual world is a new birth and resurrection; a passing away of old