Page:The Other Life.djvu/154

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"My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest."

"My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?"

Swedenborg, the herald of the New Jerusalem descending from heaven; he who by divine authority has unsealed the Word of God and opened it to our spiritual perceptions; he who has seen into the world of spirits, into heaven and hell and into the mechanism of the universe; what does he report to our hungry and thirsty souls about this great mystery, the presence of the Lord in the world we are to inhabit hereafter?

Strange are his utterances at the first inspection, and many a mind has turned away, no doubt, from his pearls of priceless wisdom and beauty, which it needed but a little patience and reflection to discover.

"The Lord is the all in all in heaven."

"The Divine Sphere of the Lord constitutes heaven."

"The Divine Sphere of the Lord in heaven is love to Him and charity to the neighbor."

"The angels taken collectively are called Heaven, because they compose it."

"In proportion as the angels receive goodness