Page:The Other Life.djvu/155

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and truth from the Lord, so far are they angels and so far are they heaven."

The angels are heaven! Heaven, then, is not a world or place created by the Lord out of nothing as a home for the angels? nor a place into which one may possibly be admitted as through the gates of a city? No! Heaven considered as an objective scene of supernal grandeur and beauty, is created instantaneously, from moment to moment, not only for the angels but through the angels. It is a cosmos representative of angelic states of thought and affection, springs up with them, changes with them, and would instantly vanish like a dream, if the angels could be withdrawn. On the other hand every soul added to heaven increases its glory and splendor and bliss, adds something organically to it which did not exist there until its arrival.

Now, notice particularly. It is the Lord in the angels which is heaven. Out of the angels, above the angels, He is infinite, invisible, incomprehensible. In and through the angels He creates heaven. The Lord is the all in all in heaven, not by the transfusion of his divine substance into the angels, but by his divine sphere. His divine sphere is not Himself, but an emanation of divine love and wisdom from Himself. It is this divine