Page:The Other Life.djvu/161

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that the glory of God and the Lamb are the light of it. The glory of God is the divine love, which is received into the heart and projected outwardly, by the great law of spiritual creation, as a sun. The glory of God is, therefore, the cause of the spiritual sun, which, by its heat and light, is the great symbol and representative of the divine love and wisdom.

The spiritual sun, thus representing the Lord from whom it directly proceeds, appears to every one according to his power of receiving and reflecting the spiritual light and heat it communicates; high or low, near or remote, bright or dull, flaming with celestial gold, or resplendent with the silvery beams of the spiritual sphere. It appears always before the faces of the happy angels, who receive its warmth into their hearts, and its light into their minds. They never look toward it without thinking of the Lord, and its appearance to them is an ever-flaming revelation of the state of their own heart toward God.

Evil spirits, alas! have turned their backs upon it, for they have denied and forgotten the Lord, and it is a dull, lurid spot in their murky atmospheres.

Is there no personal manifestation of the Lord