Page:The Other Life.djvu/162

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to the angels, as that of man to man face to face?

Yes; ever since the Supreme Being assumed a human body and rose with its spiritual form into heaven. He has become the Divine Man, and frequently stands revealed in that Divine Humanity to the humble and loving children of his heavenly kingdom.

It is a law of the spiritual world that when a spirit fixes the heart and mind on any person with strong intent and aspiration, that person will appear in apparent space under a form determined by the state of the thinker himself. When therefore an angel in his hour of fervent prayer, draws near to his Maker in the serene strength and glow of faith and love, the Lord may appear outwardly before him, face to face, eye to eye, like man to man.

This God, who is the all-in-all of the heavens, is Jesus Christ. The "Father " of our theological speculations, is an abstraction which no man has ever seen or can see. The Son alone hath revealed Him. The Godhead, so far as it can be manifested to finite beings, exists in the Divine Humanity, known historically to the men of this earth as the Lord Jesus Christ.

Said He not of Himself?—