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The Parable of Creation.

to the highest standard, although we have reached the sixth stage of regeneration, and although we may properly be called spiritual men, we are only images of Him. When we reach the highest state and come fully under his influences—are filled indeed with his life and love, then we become likenesses of Him. So while, indeed, it is here said, "Let us create man in our image after our likeness," it is added, referring to the work of the sixth state, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him." Man does not really become a likeness of God until his seventh and highest stage of regeneration.

But it is added, "Male and female created he them." The literal meaning of this I pass without comment. But in its spiritual meaning, it is to be observed that every man, and woman too, is, in regeneration, created male and female. That is to say, in the mind of each person there exists the masculine and feminine element. The masculine element of the mind is intellect or understanding; the feminine is affection or will. In the male, there is, or ought to be, no lack of affection, but reason or intellect should be the ruling principle. In the woman there is, or ought to be, no lack of intellect, but love or affection should be the ruling principle. It is not always so, perhaps, but so it will be where the person of either sex is in just order of mind.