Page:The Parable of Creation.djvu/143

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The Image of God.

So each one of all mankind is, in a certain sense, male and female. Each has intellect and affection. And in each both of these sides of the nature are to be regenerated. When, therefore, it is said, "In the image of God created he him, male and female created he them," the words are to be understood in this symbolic or spiritual sense. In this sixth stage of regeneration we have been, what we had not been before, created into the image of God. But this creation is not a partial one; it is of the masculine and the feminine elements of our nature alike. That is to say, our reason and understanding are advanced to that stage wherein we perceive all things of life spiritually, or see its spiritual meaning in its every phase; and our affections are advanced to that stage where they are placed upon the Lord and spiritual things. True, life in the world compels them to go forth to natural things; but now they do it in a spiritual manner only, and for the sake of spiritual ends. Thus the masculine element of the nature, the intellect, views all things in the Lord's light, and the feminine element, the affection, loves all things from spiritual and eternal considerations.

It is said, "Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it." Construing this spiritually, it is to be understood thus: that when at last the mind comes into the image of genuine manhood, its understandings of spiritual truth will indefinitely